Ongoing Initiatives
Sensory Backpacks
We have partnered up with Variety Alberta to bring their Sensory Backpack Program to Red Deer. In order to support children who may experience sensory overload, the sensory backpacks filled with resources for self regulation, tactile input, attention focusing tools, and body awareness support items.
Christmas Tree Pickup
Every January Red Deer Firefighters with Local 1190 volunteer their time to pick up your Christmas trees and dispose of them for you with your donations being made for the Red Deer Firefighters Children’s Charity! It is one of our longest standing initiatives and has great tradition.
Firefighter Calendar
One of our largest fundraisers is the Red Deer Firefighters Calendar. All proceeds from the event and sales goes to the charity which in turn ends up back in the community supporting children and families in need. This initiative takes an incredible amount of support and dedication.
Christmas Wish Breakfast
Every child deserves a true Christmas experience. We partner with the Red Deer Christmas Bureau and Red Deer Salvation Army every winter to bring that Christmas spirit to those in need.